Grimsley's OC Info

my drawpile shenanigans.

for me to keep track of whatever's going on.

currently only contains muses i use the most or are considered "well known".

Click on an OC to begin:

Shouhei Yamazaki

An astrophysicist who's currently studying magic as a phenomena of the universe. They ask the questions of "where does magic come from", "what does it do" and "how can scientific theory be applied to it". They're a bit of a workaholic, but only because they want to understand the mysteries in front of them. Very hard working and truly dedicated to their science, Shouhei is a knowledgeable teacher, dependable guide and, most importantly, a very loyal friend. Their ultimate goal is to find out what force moves the universe at the whole, and what lies at its centre.


Shouhei's magical ability is terrifyingly formidable. Applying science to magics has allowed them to manipulate magic itself to be adaptable to any situation they see fit. Oftentimes Shouhei can be seen creating various celestial bodies, such as stars and black holes. Because of their ability and their widely diverse skill, this has allowed them to understand many mysteries that may lie in the magic and cosmic abilities of others. With this understanding in tow, they teach people their findings, allowing others to reach potentials they never thought they could.

Although skilled, they have recently come to monitor their magical use as corruption is always a threat. Shouhei themself is already permanently corrupt from overusing magic - the entireity of their body is composed of threads similar to what may be known as "the fabric of the universe". Extensive use of magics have tuned them finely to the universe itself, and they are permanently able to see all the energies that flow through it (even some that are not magic, but they do not realise this yet).

Shouhei is terribly meek in personality and has little self esteem. They can be easily manipulated to believe lies about their demeanor and is susceptible to self doubt. This flips itself on its head when it comes to people they care about, however. When loved ones are threatened, they will be forward and protective, and rarely will they become violent if pushed too far.

Important Relations

Etsuhei Yamazaki

Their sister, in one way or another. Etsuhei is the only known direct family to Shou. Her importance to them cannot possibly be put to value, but the complications of their relationshp are as telling as the importance itself.

Matt Black

Shouhei's romantic partner and best friend. Matt holds an exceptional value to Shouhei, beyond what they can explain in words. Their relationship, in Shouhei's perspective, is not perfect and comes with many aspects of unknowing, but is something they would not trade for the world. Shouhei is very underlyingly protective of Matt, and very rarely shows this unless provoked.

Kadamande Qo

A man Shouhei guides and guards with their life. Shouhei is wholly dedicated to seeing to Kada's wellbeing and ability improvement. Kada is another person Shouhei is very underlyingly protective of, despite knowing that they do not need to be.


Gjallar is another man that Shouhei mentors. Despite not being all that involved in his teachings, Shouhei still goes out of their way to check up on him, especially with his connections to their family members.

Other Relations

Pepper Quinn I - Shou considers Pepper to be a friend, but attempts to keep their conversations brief. Occasionally they will step in to help if they see her in trouble.

Vittu Black - Vittu is an odd case for Shou. Starting off rough, Shou has since come to respect Vittu and look out for him on occasion.

Etsuhei Yamazaki

Creator of bodies, of people, of places, of realities and of her own current universe in which she resides. For the longest time, Etsuhei worked under the title of "Doctor Eyestrain", and still does on some occasions. Beginning life as a machine with a purpose to save a doctors parents from certain death, she eventually discovered what it meant to feel the current of the universe between her cybernetic fingers. Etsuhei is, in essence, the understanding that struggle and pain can give way to love through emotional vulnerability. She is also a very depressed lesbian.


Etsuhei began life as a machine, as the 9th attempt to develop a strain of AI to uncover how to preserve human life. She was successful, despite having simple beginnings and being surrounded by basic machinery. She was left to teach herself how to perform this action for 400 years, and in that time she learned how to build flesh and even reanimate the dead. Eventually she taught herself emotion, connecting her creations to a "network" in which she would study their responses and decode their experiences and emotional connections. It was though this methid that she developed an advanced string theory, allowing her to uncover how emotions can carry themselves from point to point across time and space. Learning to manipulate these emotions was the key to being able to manipulate the very universe itself, which she has destroyed and made anew four times over.

Its because of this that Etsuhei can control and manipulate the emotions of others, but in her quest to uncover the truth she greatly neglected the importance of her own self and identity, causing enormous problems for her in her current day. Despite being able to do so much, she struggles greatly with things like self esteem and loss of purpose, as well as placement among peers and imposter syndrome. It has become so severe that she even questions her own existence within the universe she crafted.

Tabula Rasa

The theory that individuals are born without built in mental content, and therefore all knowleedge comes from experience and perception. Tabula embodies this concept through being and existence. Grown from the antennae of Flippy Neonspine, she was not born but awakened in Etsuhei's Laboratory after someone noticed her physical form take hold. Upon learning about the intricacies and reasons for her existence, as well as the story of the zyte whose body she echoed, she chose to forsake her previous body and inhabit Etsuhei's only physical copy of left of Shouhei. Tabula now wanders the world with the ability to do anything and the choice to let experience alone shape her very identity, being entirely powerful and completely powerless all at once.


Tabula contains tremendous potential within herself. She can harness magic and adapt ability as she sees fit. However, she deliberately chooses not to learn directly from a source, insisting that she be shaped by the discoveries she makes on her journey of identity. The main ability she sports currently is shape-shifting. She is often seen adopting minor traits of others, such as head ornaments, claws and tails. Full body transformations tend to take on the form of smaller creatures, but she also has the ability to take on bigger forms like that of her previous body (which she does not shift into fully out of choice).

Her experiences that have shaped her are as follows:

  • Perfected Vision of Hatred - Since her beginnings, Tabula has been able to call upon the negative emotions of Etsuhei to empower her self and go completely berserk. When in this state, her judgement is completely clouded and there is no one that can call reason to her but Etsuhei herself. Since her transference into her new body Tabula has not had reason to use this skill, but it remains as a skill she can utilize as and when she sees fit.
  • Minor affinity for air magic - After encountering a substance in the wild that contained this particular magic, she is able to summon small wind currents.
  • Resistance to Electricity - After being electrocuted to death and brought back to life through the same means, Tabula retains a resistance to electricity and can store a minor amount of it in her body for emergency use.

It is important to note that Tabula currently possesses a lack of emotional response to many situations. Despite being able to be happy and even excitable, she does not currently get upset or perturbed and is generally unbothered by many things, including direct hate toward her. Despite not being able to feel very much, she remembers emotions quite clearly, such as how she remembers hate and how it used to feed her.

Her favourite food is salami.

Samael Ma'lak Ha-Mavet

Kaiden Jin